Duke Business Analytics Ranking

Duke Business Analytics Ranking: 15

Every minute, more data is generated than you can possibly imagine. While all those 1s and 0s contain a wealth of possibility, they are nevertheless difficult to parse. For those who don’t have the skills, making sense of all that data can feel nigh impossible.

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That’s where business analysts come in. With a degree in business analytics, you’ll have what it takes to collect data, organize it, clean it up, extract meaningful patterns and insights, and use them to make smart business decisions on behalf of clients and companies. Programs such as the Master of Quantitative Management at Duke University make this easier than ever.

How Long Is the Duke Business Analytics Program?

Overall, the program lasts only 10 months, which is not much time to learn a whole new set of career skills. However, Duke simplifies the task, with a carefully crafted curriculum divided into five 6-week terms. These smaller modules enable you to learn at a rapid pace without becoming overwhelmed with new topics. The first term focuses on foundational knowledge, while the last four help you specialize.

What Will You Learn?

“This 10-month Master of Quantitative Management (MQM) program provides training in analytics and communication, all within a specific context—finance, marketing, forensics, or strategy,” says the program’s main page. “You’ll prepare for a career in data-based problem solving by learning at the intersection of business and analytics. Along with a foundation in data analysis, you’ll gain expertise in a specific function and a robust set of soft skills, becoming an analyst who can move the whole team forward.”

The program very intentionally combines soft skills and hard ones. It combines a strong technical education and functional knowledge with interpersonal and communication skills, helping you learn to navigate the challenging world of business analytics – in which you must interact with complex data sets and complex people at the same time.

The program offers four different specialty tracks, including:

  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Forensics
  • Strategy

“You’ll learn tools, skills, and business context tailored to your career focus,” says the program, “while taking electives in different tracks to broaden your skill set.” Some of these electives will enable you to gain a greater understanding of your non-focus areas, so you won’t have to niche down too much when applying to jobs.

What Opportunities Does the Program Offer?

The ability to specialize in one of the four tracks is a big benefit for many students. Because Big Data offers so much opportunity, and because the number of companies needing business analysts is so large, it’s helpful to hone your skills to a sharper point than offered by many programs. Take advantage of the resume-boosting focus areas to increase your chances of getting hired.

The program also utilizes a Career Management Center to help students find jobs after graduation. The university is actively involved in students getting thousands of jobs annually, which means that you can confidently join the program knowing you will get help with employment upon graduation.

Why Duke University?

Duke is one of the best universities if you already possess a strong background in quantitative analysis. It is designed for people who have either graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field, or for those who have worked in the industry for several years prior to attending the program. Although this isn’t to say others won’t benefit from the program, the amount of catchup you would have to do before applying and during the program might be prohibitive. If that’s you, try applying to a program that welcomes beginners, of which there are many.

The program is a STEM-designated program, which means it meets the high standards that employers are looking for from graduates. Also, if you’re an international student who meets certain requirements, attending this program may earn you a total of 36 months to gain work experience in the US before your visa expires.

If you’re ready to learn more about business analytics programs, whether from Duke University or other schools, we invite you to explore the website and learn more today.